Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas What's Different Page {Free Printable}

My kids LOVE pages where you find what's different. I also love them because it is something they can sit and do quickly and easily. I like to laminate them and have the kids use dry erase or wet erase markers on them.

To get your free copy, click here. Enjoy!

If you like our freebies, you will love our eBook! Purchase your own copy today!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

November Extras: Do-A-Dot Printout

According to my three year old, Do-A-Dot markers are all the rage right now. They are great. They offer fine motor work and provide the opportunity to talk about colors while your child does some art. I decided to make a Do-A-Dot page for each of our upcoming weeks this November.

If you would like to add them to your November activities, you can download them here.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dino Counting Page: Number Three {Free Printable}

Raegan and I spent years creating the ebook Babes, Tots, and Kids. Because of the time we dedicated to it, it is very satisfying to be able to have used it and continue to use it with my children. My three older children are all in school full day now, but I have my cute three year old home with me and she loves doing these activities!

Despite the fact that I have all I need in the book, the creator in me still enjoys adding to what we are doing. This week as we do the dinosaur theme, I decided to focus on the number three for our number this week. In our ebook, we do not assign numbers to each week so that you can start any week of the year and be on track. Our number activities can be applicable no matter what number you are learning about that week. I wanted to create something to go specifically with our number three learning. 

I made this simple and fun dinosaur counting page for my three year old and of course want to share with all of you. Go here to access the free Dino Counting page. I have three versions for you to choose from so you can decide what is the correct level for your little one(s). All three versions are in the same PDF. Just print the page you want after opening the document. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Let's Go Shopping!

Oh, this was so much fun. My youngest liked it so much he begged to keep playing long after the lesson was finished.
One of my kiddos really needed some work with counting money. Worksheets and and apps can be fun, but shopping? Pretend play with mommy and siblings? Even better!
I have 3 kids, so I put out three towels. This way I can separate activities and skill between kids. Their station was specifically set up for them (with about 2 minutes of prep). I asked each kid to choose any 5 items they would like and lay them out on a towel. I walked around and priced each item according to the skill they are learning. My youngest is counting pennies (essentially just counting with the 1-1 value of a penny). My middle was working on counting nickels and dimes. My oldest worked on "store math." Meaning if something costs $3.56 at the store, you don't count out 56 pennies. You give them most convenient amount to you and expect change. So she could give me a $5 bill, or 4 ones, or 3 ones and 2 quarters and a dime. The list goes on and on. BUT she had to also tell me how much change to expect back. 

So they read the price tag, used their real money in their banks, and stood in line to buy the items. 

Skills: counting, 1-1 correspondence, recognizing coin names, adding.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gumdrop Sculptures

My oldest is 7 and takes an engineering elective at the co-op we attend. In her class they discussed building design and bridges. Then, they built them with gumdrops and toothpicks.

My youngest was enthralled with her creations. He loved it. And he wanted to try it! It's a great fine motor activity!

You'll need: gumdrops (or Dots candy), toothpicks, and a hard surface (like the table)
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Start by helping the build the base. Littles love to build but it can take a while for them to figure out that the base needs to be wide enough/strong enough to support what is going on top. So, to avoid frustration, instead use this as a teachable moment. Test it with them. Let it fall...and LAUGH about it. Failure is learning too!

Then build. Ask them to create a story about what they are building. Get out little figurines and play in the creation! Build, take it down, and build again! Save a few for munching!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Stress-Free Spaces: Taming the Toddlers (and Preschoolers!)

     Teaching or working with the older kids can be a little challenging when you have busy little ones underfoot. I have three kiddos, my first two being 19 months apart and the middle and youngest being 2 years apart. So when I am trying to do independent lessons with my older two, sometimes my youngest gets antsy. Ants in his pants. Too creative, if you know what I mean.
     So, this means I have a few options. My first one is to tear my hair out and lock myself in my room quit. My other option (and the one that's better for all of us) is to problem solve. So, my solution to taming the toddler is organizing. 
     I found that it is really challenging to make up new activities on top of the activities we already do from the book. Or sometimes, you as the mom need to fold laundry without a cute little person unfolding it right after you. You may work from home and need some time to get a little work done. Whatever the need, a little time and effort on the front end with make a big difference.

So, here's what you need to start: 14 L/15 Qt. containers with lids (I used Sterilite) and a permanent marker. I usually store them underneath the art table (aka folding table) for easy access.  

Here's the idea. Take each bucket and choose one for each day of the week (Mon-Fri). You can label it with the day if that floats your boat. The each bucket can be filled with a plethora of different activities. The point is to have each bucket filled with activities that they will only see during this time. 

As you can see, there are a bunch of different activities for learning. It's also a great opportunity to teach a little self-sufficiency. My son has gotten to the point where he can pull out his box and start the activities independently. It's AWESOME.

Sooooo.... the next question is probably, "What in the world am I going to put in these boxes???"

Here's my stash:

*Felt mittens with numbers. This can be to practice recognition, put in ascending or descending order, etc. I made mittens (it was cold that day), but you can make anything! Even just cut out an orange circle and glue a tiny green leaf at the top and call it an orange. Or white circles and draw some red lines on it to make a baseball. And the numbers? Stickers. I just used stickers. This took almost no time and I just used $.39 sheets of felt and a glue gun.

*Puzzles! I found small puzzles that would fit in the boxes (Dollar Store, baby!). 

*Clothes Pin fine motor practice. Have some clothes pins (Dollar Store, if not!)? Have an empty yogurt or sour cream container? Ta-da! I cut an age appropriate sized hole and he has to open the lid, dump the pins, and stick them in the small hole. Another practice for fine motor strength would be to practice opening in the pins and rimming the outside of the container (without the lid, of course) with them.

*Stackable dolls. Just found these guys around the house. Perfect for lining up small to large (or vice versa) and figuring out which one goes inside the other in the correct order.

*Make-Your-Own Puzzle- My husband drew quick sketch of the two-headed dragon from How To Train Your Dragon. Then he cut it into pieces and my guy has to put it back together. Simple! I store it in a gallon zip lock. Can't draw? Color a page from a favorite coloring book and do the same thing!

*Practice Cutting-  Paint sample cards from the local Home Depot/Lowe's. Practice cutting on the white lines. These are starter scissors. You can get them on Amazon, or I have seen them at Target, too.  

*Melissa and Doug Lacing Beads (large)- This was a gift and it has been awesome! My girls and my son have all loved it. 

*Sort the colored disks- If you don't have the disks, cut up a bunch of pieces of paper into squares. Then they sort the correct colors into the muffin pan holes.

*Number cards- Again, Dollar store! Sometimes you can find them in the clearance or $1 section at Target. Put them in order, practice counting, etc. (In a DIFFERENT box than the mitten numbers).

*Pompom Pick-up- Dump out the pompoms and practice using the giant tweezers to pick them up. Too hard? Try cooking tongs. Too easy? Try small cosmetic tweezers. No pompoms? Try cotton balls.

*Straws in a Can- Both Dollar Store items. Parmesan cheese shaker and coffee stirring straws. Try to put them back through the tiny holes.

*For The Brave-- Shaving Cream! Now, I keep this in the box, but this is in NO WAY an activity that my son sets up. I use a tray, a table, and shaving cream. Spread the shaving cream around and let them draw, practice shapes and numbers, write letters, etc. It only takes one finger to draw. Recommendation: Teach them to use one finger/hand to write and the other for erasing. It saves on mess!

*Color Shades Matching-  This one is fun! Grab a couple of paint sample cards and some clothes pins!

*Play-Doh and Cookie Cutters- You'll also probably want to use a tray or cookie sheet to contain the mess. 

*Reusable Sticker Scenes- We got this at a toy store for a few bucks and it has been a lot of fun. There are lots of reusable sticker books out there!

*Practice Buttoning- Please understand me---I am NOT good at sewing. My talents are mediocre at best. I grabbed a few colored buttons, some matching felt and drew my own pattern. Snip little holes on the felt feathers and now he can practice buttoning. Great skill! (Definitely sew the buttons on, not hot glue).

*Animal cards- I got these at a clearance house...or maybe a yard sale....whatever. Anyways, he lays out the cards and learns different animals. Or you can sort them by mammal, bird, four legs, two legs, etc. 

*Tiny plastic bears- Great for sorting, making patterns (and even just playing with!)

*Coloring books! Each bucket has a coloring book and a different type of coloring tool (markers, crayons, colored pencils). We mostly use crayons, but it's really fun to change it up and offer markers and colored pencils. You may find that the reluctant color-er gets excited about these! 

*Lacing Cards- These are Melissa and Doug, but if you don't have lacing cards, try making some! Take a piece of card stock and print a picture on it. Cut it out, punch holes, and then ta-da! Lacing card! (Shoelaces work great for lacing cards).

Hammering- I found these golf tees at a store that was closing down. Grab an old shoe box and a PLAY hammer. If you make the starter holes too loose, they are way too easy to hammer. Make them tight enough for just the tip of the tee. Store tees and hammer in the box! Voila! (If you don't have a play hammer, try a spatula!)

*DIY felt snowman- A craft idea from our ebook. Lots of fun!

*Roylco Straws and Connectors- I got these at a yard sale, but they are available online.

*Another Button Activity- Ya'll. This was so easy. Seriously. 

*Preschool Workbooks!  Writing, coloring, and stickers! Here's 2 examples of some I have.

*Dry Erase books- I found some dry erase practice books. Lots of fun. AND REUSABLE! Yay!

*Magnets- There are a ton of magnet sets out there. Here's one that we use. They have princesses and fairies (and others) for girls, cars and trucks, and more for boys. Comes in it's own carrying case.

Find some things around the house to use. Make up some games, Go to the dollar general store. 
Be mindful to teach the routine of the buckets and it will become second nature after a while. If you are working with other kids, make sure you teach some sort of signal to your kiddo so he can let you know calmly and quietly that he needs help or is finished. 

Lastly, don't forget the obvious--- a few toys that they rarely play with now in the buckets for renewed interest, plain paper to color, BOOKS!!!! We almost always start with 15-20 minutes of quiet book reading--- an invaluable skill! 

Have fun! Feel free to ask questions!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Polar Bear Blubber

In our discussion of bears and the cold, we learned about the blubber layer that many animals have to keep them snug during the colder months. Try reading a few books to get some great info and pictures!

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There are a lot of books out there, but those are just a few to get you started.

Now the fun...

1. You'll need a large bowl, ice, water, and shortening/lard.
 2. Make a lard mitten on ONE of your child's hands. Haha--lard mitten! Anyways. Make sure it's completely covered and there aren't any cracks in it. You don't want any cold water seeping in!

3. Dip both hands in the VERY cold water. The uncovered hand will be chilled very quickly, while the lard mitten keeps the other hand nice and toasty! Instant blubber!

Now they can understand up close and personal how blubber really works!